
I have this perhaps unrealistic assumption that the content of newspaper articles should relate to the headlines above them.  Apparently not.  A headline for a Macleans article contained the phrase: why garlic makes everything better. Sadly, the two page article didn’t mention garlic until the last paragraph, and then did not address the subject introduced by the headline.

Even more annoying are red herrings thrown into an article that are suggestive and imply connections that don’t exist.  Such was an article in the London Free Press on March 28, about the tragic death of an individual running across railroad tracks with a train approaching.  Our condolensces to the family.  What a tragedy.  But the article randomly includes four paragraphs about nearby shelters and alcohol as well as quotations from an addiction service.  The net is being cast but alas, no connection with the shelter was ever made.  There was no information provided associating alcohol or addiction with the tragedy.  Yet there are four paragraphs in the middle of the article mentioning this.  No connecting points to the tragedy and death.  No comments of sympathy, empathy or regret.  To me, that speaks volumes.

To read the article from the LFP please click HERE


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