Contact Us



Len Devost
Food Services Supervisor (Shelters)
Tel (Men’s Mission): 519-672-8500 / (Rotholme Family Shelter): 519-673-4114

Clothing & Household Items

Stephen Cameron
Mission Store – Coordinator, Outreach Services
Tel: 519-438-3056

Donor Relations

Donor Relations Assistant
Tel: 519-433-2807 ext. 2134

Donate Online

Tel: 519-433-2807 ext. 2120

Become a Volunteer

Community Presentations

Jessica Gowers
Communications & PR Coordinator
Tel: 519-433-2807 ext. 2108

Administration Office

4-797 York Street
London, ON  N5W 6A8
Tel: 519-433-2807

Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Ericka Ayala Ronson
Executive Director
Tel: 519-433-2807 ext. 2115

Accounts Payable
Tel: 519-433-2807

Branches of Service

Community Mental Health Programs

Men’s Mission

Mission Store

Quintin Warner House (Addiction Treatment)

Rotholme Family Shelter

Privacy Officer

Susan Fahner
Director of Corporate Services

General Inquiries

Please use the form below to send a general inquiry: